Compassion Camp

Co-Creating Heart-Centered Connection and Skills

August 15-18, 2024

Earthaven Ecovillage
Near Asheville, NC

Compassion Camp is a four day event for adults and children where we create a community of people who learn, play and celebrate together, empowered to then send each other back into the world to spread these seeds of justice and love. Our time together is designed to foster community among the growing number of people in Western North Carolina and beyond who are passionate about living and promoting compassionate consciousness. Located at Earthaven Ecovillage, it is an opportunity to have fun, enjoy ourselves, learn together, and connect deeply in a beautiful natural setting.

Having a good laugh at Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage
Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage

I laughed hard, cried hard, hugged harder, sang heartily, felt ice cold water on bare skin, dewy grass beneath my feet, perfectly ripe juneberries on my tongue, sweaty people dancing around me, tender eyes taking me in, so much vulnerability, so much connection, and so so much love.

Leah Swann

About the Experience

Compassion Camp is inspired by the life and work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). We believe that the theory and practice of NVC is a life-changing tool for cultivating compassion in our hearts, communities, and the world. In addition to NVC, other topics may include: social justice, ecology, circling, restorative circles, healthy relationships, feminism, families and children, eco-sexuality, community, economics, and authentic movement.

Compassion Camp combines experiential and traditional approaches to learning, including professionally led classes, small-group conversations, hands-on practices, movement, self-reflection, and interactive activities, to provide an intimate, well-rounded, and powerful experience. Through Open Space sessions, Compassion Camp seeks to concentrate the creativity and inspiration of participants into an ongoing, life-serving energy for the community and create networks among affinity groups such as educators and social activists.

Compassion Camp also features relational activities centered around singing, dancing, storytelling, and silence, which cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien has identified as the four most common ways that humans create wellness, community, and connection.

Compassion Camp participants will likely experience:

  • Increased connection to self, others, and nature
  • A deeper commitment to being of service
  • A broader understanding of the ways you can live compassion
  • More skill in creating supportive community in your life
  • More practical tools and resources to inspire yourself and others
Two elders connecting at Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage
Class gathering under a lovely shade structure at School of Integrated Living

So much WOW! I’d been craving a deeper level of community connection and Compassion Camp provided an incredibly nourishing experience. I’m so grateful for this collaborative community of growth-oriented, open-hearted humans who came together to share, connect, and support each other in our healing, our learning, and our play.  

Lisa K.

A girl learning to build a fire in the Compassion Camp kids' program


Compassion Camp hosts a broad selection of topics to explore through group-selected open space offerings. Connection and movement activities, meals, and rituals also contribute to a rich and nourishing experience.

Families & Youth

We welcome families with children to attend and will do our best to support you and your children. We offer a Youth Program for children 4-12 years old. The village setting of Earthaven offers a safe and fun place for people of all ages and stages to explore. Much of the content involves focused, sit-down presentations, so attending with a young child will likely mean being less able to participate fully in the program.

Camp is primarily designed for adults. However, mature young adults under 18 years old are also welcome. Please contact SOIL to discuss the enrollment of passionate individuals under 18 who would like to attend without an adult.

Compassion Camp at Earthaven Ecovillage

Statement of Transparency

It is our intention as Compassion Camp Co-Directors to relate to ourselves and participants in a way that cares about all of our needs equally. We are aware that because of our dominator culture conditioning, we have blind spots that at times lead us to say and do things that are not in harmony with our needs or the needs of others, and that could land as hurtful and insensitive to marginalized groups.

We are passionate and excited to learn and grow and liberate ourselves from these unconscious patterns so that we can co-create both interpersonal relationships and social structures that promote justice and celebration for all beings. We are grateful for the many people and movements who are helping us clarify our thinking and increase our understanding about these blind spots.

Drum jam at Compassion Camp


Tuition Sliding Scale: $275 – $400

What’s Included for Adults
Adult tuition includes meals, instruction, and materials. Accommodations are available for an additional cost.

Infants and Young Children ages 0-3 ($0 includes food)
Young children are welcome to attend with a parent or guardian at no cost. We do not offer a program or childcare for this age group. If you decide to bring your young child to sessions, please understand that if your child is crying or playing loudly, you and your child may need to step outside so that others may participate fully.

Children ages 4-12 ($150 includes youth program and food)
Children are welcome to attend with parent or guardian. Parents are responsible for their children at all times. For this age group we offer a youth program that runs during open space sessions and will include games, crafts, and/or nature connection activities. Parents are responsible for their children during all other times. Space in this program is limited.

Teens ages 13-17 ($150 includes food)
Teens are welcome to attend with parent or guardian. We do not offer a program for this age group. Teenagers may attend sessions, but parents should be aware that there may be adult content, and parents are responsible for them and what they attend.


We offer partial scholarships (50% of the middle of the sliding scale) to black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and single parents with financial needs who otherwise would not be able to afford to attend. We understand that BIPOC experience more financial and institutional barriers to participation, and this is one way we are able to create more access. If you identify as BIPOC and/or are a single parent with financial needs and would like to receive a scholarship, please contact us.

Work Trade – FULL for 2024

We offer a few partial work trade opportunities to individuals who are available and qualified, and who would otherwise not be able to afford to attend. Our partial work trade positions cost $175, require about 11 hours of service, and include food, instruction, and materials (not transportation, camping, children, or accommodations). Please contact us to receive a work trade application.

At Compassion Camp, I feel so nourished by the food, the community, depth of connection, vulnerability, quality of presence, and care for the well being of others.




Several accommodation options are available at Earthaven Ecovillage and in the surrounding area.

Cost per person: 3 nights $65

Campground Cabin Shared Lodging
Cost per bunk: 3 nights $85

Shared Indoor Lodging
Cost per person: 3 nights $145

Private Indoor Lodging
Cost for 1 person: 3 nights $215
Cost for 2 people (shared bed): 3 nights $322.50

Off-Site Options
Various options in Bat Cave, Black Mountain, and Asheville.

Sleeping bags and pads are available for rental for $15/set for adults and children. Cleaning supplies to clean mats are available before and/or after use. SOIL launders the sleeping bags once a year.

Read More About Accommodations


Examples of food served at School of Integrated Living programs

Delicious, omnivorous meals are prepared by talented culinary artists from the Earthaven community. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options available. Snacks and beverages (tea, coffee) are provided. Participants are invited to help with meal clean-up. Many hands make light work.

As much food as possible is sourced from Earthaven and its surrounding farms and gardens, with some ingredients sourced from local grocery stores. Our meals are created with seasonal, local, fresh, wildcrafted, humanely-raised, and organic ingredients.

***If you have dietary needs beyond the ones listed here, please be prepared to bring supplemental food to support your nourishment and well-being. Our kitchen cannot accommodate all diets.

*** Although we would like to know if you have any allergies, we cannot provide an anaphylactic safe meal. There is always the chance of cross contamination.

Program Specific Info

Nine meals are included. Breakfast, lunch and dinner; from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch.

Cancellation & Refunds

If you cancel your registration, you may:

  • Donate your tuition to support our continued work
  • Request a refund per our policy:
    • 90% refund for cancellations prior to 30 days before the start of the program
    • 50% refund for cancellations prior to 10 days before the start of the program
  • All refund requests received within one week of the start of the program will be considered within two weeks of the end of the program.

If SOIL cancels this program for any reason whatsoever, you would receive a 100% refund.

Contact us at [email protected] with registration questions.

Crowdfunding & Fundraising

Check out our Crowdfunding & Fundraising page for creative ways to engage your community and launch a "Community Supported Education" campaign. This approach can help support your investment in yourself, your community, the planet, and future generations.


This program takes place at Earthaven Ecovillage. This permaculture-based community offers a unique living classroom where participants will engage with the natural world, eco-infrastructure, and the intimate experience of rural community living.

What to Expect at Earthaven

About the Facilitation Team

Compassionate Communication instructor Steve Torma

Steve Torma

Compassion Camp Co-Director and Nonviolent Communication Faculty

As a lifelong peace, justice, and ecology educator and activist with over 40 years of community living, Steve has sought to integrate personal and social transformation in his own life, in the communities where he lives, and in the larger society. His passion for integral living and thinking has led him to study and experiment with a wide range of spiritualities, psychological systems, and social theories as they relate to creating a more just and sustainable world.

Compassionate communication expert Terrie Lewine

Dr. Terrie Lewine

Compassion Camp Co-Director

Terrie focuses her work on deep self-awareness, communication and relationship work.  She offers classes and workshops for individuals and couples, private coaching sessions, and supports organizations by developing and supporting best practices regarding collaboration, team building, and effective conflict resolution.

NikiAnne Feinberg

NikiAnne Feinberg

In-person Programs Director, Faculty

Throughout the last two decades, NikiAnne has been immersed in community and in service to a wide range of educational endeavors focused on nature connection, personal empowerment, and community resilience. No matter what she’s teaching, NikiAnne is always on the same mission: to raise awareness of our whole selves – gifts, passions, blind spots, shadows – and help those whole selves find and fill niches in their communities.

Becky Boisvert

Becky Boisvert

An inveterate adventurer, Becky (she/her) has grown to see life itself as the adventure. That life is made richer in community at Earthaven where Becky, her daughter Willow, and her co-parent Sanne moved in 2018. She loves bringing lofty, creative visions to life. In her first career as an educator, she taught at an arts-integrated charter school, mentored gap-year students in India and Guatemala, and created a holistic middle school. Since then, she has produced two documentary films, coached individuals and couples toward greater wholeness, and begun holding mediations.


Complete the registration form once per participant. It takes 5-10 minutes, and you will complete your enrollment with a credit card authorization.

After your enrollment is processed, you will receive several confirmations…

  1. An automatic confirmation of receiving your registration form
  2. A payment confirmation from our card processor
  3. Confirmation that your registration has been processed

Registration is closed. Contact us to join the waiting list or inquire about openings.