Compassion Camp Schedule
With Open Space Technology
Compassion Camp combines experiential and traditional approaches to learning, including professionally led classes, small-group conversations, hands-on practices, movement, self-reflection, and interactive activities, to provide an intimate, well-rounded, and powerful experience.
Sessions are chosen using Open Space Technology in which the group chooses from topics offered by participants to create a class schedule that everyone feels excited about.
Activities, Open Space sessions, meals, and rituals combine to create a container for the deepening of Non-violent Communication. More about Open Space below the schedule.
Tentative Schedule
Thursday, August 15
2:00-5:00 Arrival, Registration, Settle-in
4:00-6:00 Tour of Earthaven & Opening Session for Children’s Program
6:00-7:30 Dinner
7:45-8:30 Opening Evening Circle
8:30-9:30 Evening Activities
Friday, August 16
7:00-8:00 Morning Activities
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:15-9:45 Opening Circle
9:45-12:00 Session Planning (Open Space)
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:30 Breakout Session 1
4:00-6:00 Breakout Session 2
6:00-7:30 Dinner
7:45-8:45 Evening Circle: Reflection and Connection
8:45-10:30 Evening Activities
Saturday, August 17
7:00-8:00 Morning Activities
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:15-9:45 Opening Circle
10:00-12:00 Breakout Session 3
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:30 Breakout Session 4
4:00-6:00 Breakout Session 5
6:00-7:30 Dinner
7:45-8:45 Evening Circle: Reflection and Connection
8:45-10:30 Evening Activities
Sunday, August 18
7:00-8:00 Morning Activities
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:15-9:45 Opening Circle
10:00-12:00 Breakout Session 6
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:00 Closing Circle
Compassion Camp is a super fun couple days of connection and learning, with a great group of folks, in a very beautiful place. It was a true delight and was really easy on my nervous system. Even as a large group, it just felt like a casual group of friends gathering on the porch. Wonderful!
Sample Class List
Playfully Exploring Anger • NVC & Conscious Non-Monogamy • Apocalypse & Awakening • Constellation • Healing Racism & Exploring Whiteness • Radical Honesty • Surya Meditation • NVC Basics • Work That Reconnects • NVC with Children • Truth Mandala • Inner Presence Inquiry • Finding Your Singing Voice • Compassionate Accountability & Restorative Justice • Getting Real Game • Friendship Game • Healing Trauma & Defense Patterns in Relationship • Deep Time • Finding Your Storytelling Voice • The Work of Byron Katie • The Power-With Revolution • Touch, Consent, & Co-Regulation • NVC Dance Floors • Sovereign Sacred Life Partnership • NVC & Spirituality • Dance & Movement • NVC for Couples • Shadow, Compassion, & Intimacy • The Politics of Loss
Introduction to Open Space
Compassion Camp will be using Open Space Technology (OST) to determine what topics will be discussed during the breakout sessions and when they will be scheduled.
Open Space Technology is designed to empower a group of people to efficiently organize the topics participants would like to discuss at events like workshops and conferences.
All participants of Compassion Camp are invited to gather on Friday morning preceding the first breakout session to determine the choice of topics and when they will be scheduled during our time together. Any participant may suggest a topic they would like to have included, whether or not you want to lead. We encourage participants who might want to lead or co-lead a topic to please come prepared.
Compassion Camp was a reminder of what is possible in terms of community, lifestyle, connecting with people who share values like compassion, non-violence, co-creation, growth, nature connection, self-care, earth-care, lives of integrity, and freedom.
Generally Accepted Guiding Principles of Open Space Technology
Whoever comes are the right people.
This is to remind participants they don’t need top management or lots of people to get things done. The only people it’s important to have are those who feel passionately about the issue. And if they don’t come then they’re not passionate enough.
Whenever it starts is the right time.
This is to remind participants that you are not late (or early for that matter) in discussing the issue at hand. Removing the feeling of anxiety allows the group to focus better.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
This is to remind participants that whatever comes out of the discussion is the right thing. Once it’s done, it’s done and the only direction to move now is forward.
When it’s over, it’s over (in this session).
This is to remind participants that once they feel the issue has been resolved they should move on to the next one. There’s no need to keep talking about the same topic just because there’s still time left in the session.
Remember the Law of Two Feet.
This is to remind participants that if they are in a session they are not enjoying, they are welcome to leave the session. They are welcome to join another session at any time as long as that session is labeled as open.