Mollie Curry
Mollie (she/her) moved to Earthaven in 1996, becoming one of the first village residents and getting involved in natural building. She has taught natural building workshops since 1998. She has taught cob, plastering, straw bale, straw-clay, earthen paint, earthbag, and carpentry, as well as permaculture. Being involved in many of the natural building projects at Earthaven, as well as teaching and doing projects in other locations, has informed her building experience. Being an “earth” person, cob, plasters and earthen paints (alis) are her favorite things to work with. She started her business, Earth Circle Natural Building, 2003.
In the early-mid 90’s, Mollie worked as a wilderness ranger for the Forest Service, backpacking, clearing trails, contacting the public and spending much time alone in the wilderness. She has written several articles for various publications, including the Permaculture Activist and Communities Magazine, on natural building, permaculture, and other practical, spiritual, and emotional topics, including beauty.